8 Proven Psychological Tricks for Captivating the One You Love

Attracting someone you love can be a tricky and sometimes frustrating process. However, by understanding and utilizing psychological tricks, you can increase your chances of success. In this guide, we will discuss 8 psychological tricks that can help you attract the person you love. From mirroring their behavior to creating a sense of scarcity, these tricks are designed to build a deeper connection, increase attraction, and make the other person feel more comfortable with you. It's important to remember that these tricks should be used in conjunction with genuine feelings and intentions, and not as a manipulative tool. With that being said, let's dive into the 8 psychological tricks to attract someone you love.

Psychological Tricks

1. Mirroring

The first psychological trick for attracting someone you love is mirroring. Mirroring involves mimicking someone's body language and mannerisms. By doing this, you are subconsciously telling the person that you are similar to them and that you understand them. This creates a sense of comfort and connection, and can make the other person feel more attracted to you.

The technique of mirroring can be applied in a variety of ways. For example, if the person you're interested in is leaning forward, you can lean forward as well. If they are crossing their legs, you can cross your legs. You can also mirror their tone of voice, speed of speech, and even their use of hand gestures. The key is to be subtle and not to overdo it, as this can come across as insincere or creepy.

Mirroring can also be applied in non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions, posture, and even breathing pattern. The idea behind mirroring is to create a sense of familiarity and understanding between you and the person you're interested in. When people feel like they have a connection with someone, they tend to be more attracted to them.

It's important to note that mirroring should be done with care, subtlety and respect, and not to force the other person to comply with your behavior, because it can be viewed as manipulation.

2. Positive association

The second psychological trick for attracting someone you love is positive association. This technique involves associating positive emotions and experiences with yourself in the mind of the person you love. By doing this, you are creating a positive image of yourself in the other person's mind, which can increase their attraction to you.

One way to create positive associations is to do things together that the person you're interested in enjoys. If they like going to the movies, suggest going to see a film together. If they enjoy hiking, suggest taking a hike together. By doing things together that they enjoy, you are creating positive memories and experiences with them.

Another way to create positive associations is to constantly be in a positive and happy mood around them. By exuding positive energy and being upbeat, you are making them feel good when they are around you. People tend to be attracted to those who make them feel good.

It's important to be genuine and authentic when creating positive associations and not to force or fake positive emotions, as it can come across as insincere. Also, make sure to respect their boundaries and don't push them to do something they don't want to do, as it can create negative associations.

In summary, creating positive associations with the person you're interested in can increase their attraction to you by building positive memories and experiences, and by exuding positive energy and good vibes.

3. The power of touch

The third psychological trick for attracting someone you love is the power of touch. Physical touch can create a deeper connection and make the other person feel more attracted to you. The idea behind this trick is that touch can release a chemical called oxytocin, also known as the "cuddle hormone," which is associated with feelings of trust, bonding and love.

This trick can be applied in different ways, depending on the situation and the level of intimacy you have with the person. For example, a light touch on the arm or hand can be used as a way of showing interest and attraction. A hug or a kiss can be used as a way to express deeper feelings of love and affection.

It's important to note that touch can also be used in a negative way if not used appropriately. Touch should be consensual, respectful and appropriate to the level of familiarity and relationship with the person. Also, it's important to be aware of the other person's boundaries and not to touch them without their permission.

In summary, the power of touch can be a powerful tool for building deeper connections and increasing attraction. By using touch in a respectful and appropriate way, you can release the "cuddle hormone" which is associated with feelings of trust, bonding and love.

4. The Ben Franklin effect

The fourth psychological trick for attracting someone you love is the Ben Franklin effect. This trick is named after Ben Franklin, who wrote about it in his autobiography. The idea behind this trick is that when someone does a favor for you, they are more likely to like you. The reason for this is that when people do something for someone else, they tend to justify their actions with their beliefs. So, if they do something for you, they will believe that they must like you.

For example, if you ask the person you're interested in to do you a small favor such as borrowing a book or helping you with a task, they are more likely to see you in a positive light and feel more positively towards you. This is because they will associate the positive feelings they get from completing the task with you.

It's important to note that the favor should not be too big or too demanding and it should be something that they are willing to do. Also, it's important not to make them feel obligated to do the favor and not to use it as a manipulation technique.

In summary, the Ben Franklin effect is a psychological trick that can increase attraction by making the other person do a favor for you, which in turn will make them associate positive feelings with you and increase their attraction towards you. The key is to make sure that the favor is appropriate, not too demanding and that they are willing to do it.

5. The power of vulnerability

The fifth psychological trick for attracting someone you love is the power of vulnerability. This trick involves being open and honest about your feelings with the person you're interested in. By being vulnerable and sharing your feelings, you are building trust and intimacy with the other person. When people feel like they can trust someone, they tend to be more attracted to them.

Being vulnerable can also make the other person feel more comfortable and connected with you. When you share your feelings and thoughts, you are allowing them to see the real you and this can create a deeper connection.

It's important to be genuine and authentic when being vulnerable and not to overshare or use vulnerability as a manipulation tool. Also, be prepared for the other person to not always reciprocate your feelings, and respect their boundaries and feelings.

In summary, the power of vulnerability can increase attraction by building trust, intimacy and a deeper connection with the other person. By being open and honest about your feelings, you are allowing them to see the real you, which can make them feel more comfortable and attracted to you. However, it's important to be genuine, authentic and respect the other person's boundaries and feelings.

6. The power of consistency

The sixth psychological trick for attracting someone you love is the power of consistency. Being consistent in your actions and words can make the other person feel more secure and attracted to you. By following through on promises and being reliable, you are showing the person that you are dependable and trustworthy, which can increase attraction.

For example, if you make plans to see the person, make sure to follow through and show up on time. If you say you'll call, make sure to call when you said you would. By being consistent and reliable, you are showing the person that you value their time and that they can trust you.

It's important to be true to yourself and not to make promises you cannot keep. Also, be aware that consistency doesn't mean being robotic, it's okay to change plans or have a different perspective, but make sure to communicate it in an appropriate way.

In summary, the power of consistency can increase attraction by making the other person feel more secure and attracted to you. By being consistent in your actions and words, you are showing the person that you are dependable and trustworthy, which can build trust and increase attraction. However, it's important to be true to yourself and not to make promises you cannot keep.

7. The power of scarcity:

The seventh psychological trick for attracting someone you love is the power of scarcity. This trick is based on the idea that people tend to want things more when they are scarce. By creating a sense of scarcity around your time or attention, you can make the other person more attracted to you.

One way to create a sense of scarcity is by being selective with your time and attention. For example, if you are always available and ready to hang out, the person you're interested in may not see you as valuable. However, if you are selective with your time and attention, they may see you as more desirable and be more attracted to you.

Another way to create scarcity is by being mysterious and not revealing too much about yourself. By not revealing everything about yourself, you are creating an air of mystery, which can make the person more interested in getting to know you.

It's important to note that creating a sense of scarcity should be done in a respectful and appropriate way. Don't play hard to get or be overly distant, as it can come across as disinterest or lack of caring. Also, be aware of the other person's feelings, and don't push them away or make them feel unimportant.

In summary, the power of scarcity can increase attraction by making the other person see you as more valuable and desirable. By being selective with your time and attention and creating an air of mystery, you can make the person more interested in getting to know you. However, it's important to be respectful, appropriate and aware of the other person's feelings.

8. Confidence and self-assurance

The eighth psychological trick for attracting someone you love is the power of confidence and self-assurance. Confidence is attractive and people are drawn to those who are self-assured. By exuding confidence, you can make the other person feel more comfortable and attracted to you.

Confidence can be displayed in a variety of ways such as maintaining good eye contact, speaking clearly and assertively, and having good posture. By being confident in yourself, you are showing the person that you are comfortable in your own skin and that you believe in yourself. This can make them feel more comfortable and attracted to you.

It's important to note that confidence shouldn't be mistaken for arrogance or narcissism. Confidence should be balanced with humility and respect for others. Also, it's important to be true to yourself and not to pretend to be someone you're not.

In summary, the power of confidence and self-assurance can increase attraction by making the other person feel more comfortable and attracted to you. By exuding confidence and being comfortable in your own skin, you are showing the person that you believe in yourself, which can make them feel more confident in you. However, it's important to be balanced, respectful and authentic in your approach to confidence.


It's important to remember that these tricks should be used with caution and with the best intentions. Here are some precautions to keep in mind when applying these tricks:
  • Make sure you are genuinely interested in the person and not just using these tricks for your own gain.
  • Avoid being too obvious or heavy-handed with the tricks. They should be used subtly and in moderation.
  • Respect the other person's boundaries and don't push them to do anything they are not comfortable with.
  • Don't use these tricks to manipulate or control the other person. They should be used to build a deeper connection and increase attraction, not to control their actions or decisions.
  • Be honest and authentic in your interactions with the person. Don't pretend to be someone you're not.
  • Be aware that these tricks may not work with everyone and that attraction is a complex phenomenon that can't be reduced to a set of simple tricks.
  • Be careful not to cross any ethical or legal boundaries.
  • Remember that attraction is a two-way street, and these tricks may only be effective if the other person is also interested in you.
By keeping these precautions in mind, you can use these psychological tricks to attract someone you love in an ethical and respectful way.

What If These Tricks Don't Work For You

It's important to remember that attraction is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon that can't be reduced to a set of simple tricks. While these psychological tricks can increase your chances of attracting someone, they may not work with everyone. If the person you're interested in doesn't seem to be getting attracted, there could be a variety of reasons why. Here are a few possible explanations:
  • They may not be interested in you romantically, and no amount of psychological tricks will change that.
  • They may be interested in someone else, or already in a relationship.
  • They may not be ready for a relationship or have other personal issues that are preventing them from getting attracted.
  • They may not be a good match for you and that's okay.
It's important to remember that not everyone will be attracted to you and that's okay. Sometimes, no matter how much you like someone, the attraction may not be mutual. It's important to respect the other person's feelings and move on.

It can be disappointing if someone you're interested in doesn't feel the same way, but it's important to remember that there are plenty of other people in the world, and someone who is a better match for you may be just around the corner.


In conclusion, by understanding and utilizing psychological tricks, you can increase your chances of attracting the person you love. From mirroring their behavior to creating a sense of scarcity, these tricks are designed to build a deeper connection, increase attraction, and make the other person feel more comfortable with you. However, it's important to use these tricks with caution and with the best intentions, and remember that attraction is a complex phenomenon that can't be reduced to a set of simple tricks. By keeping these precautions in mind, and being honest and authentic in your interactions with the person, you can use these psychological tricks to attract someone you love in an ethical and respectful way.